The David K Law Group

Navigating the Complexities of Mining Law in Zimbabwe: A Legal Perspective

Mining plays a crucial role in Zimbabwe’s economy, contributing significantly to the nation’s GDP and employment. However, the industry is also governed by a complex web of laws and regulations designed to protect both the environment and the interests of local communities. Understanding the intricacies of Zimbabwe’s mining law is crucial for anyone looking to […]

Simplifying the Process for Property Buying

Buying a property is an exciting journey, but it can also be a complex and overwhelming process. One crucial aspect of buying a property is conveyancing – the legal transfer of the property from seller to buyer. However, understanding the ins and outs of conveyancing can feel like navigating a labyrinth of legal jargon and […]

Safeguards to Consider When Facing a Breach of Contract Claim

Important considerations to keep in mind when dealing with a breach of contract claim and potential damages. Find expert legal advice, review contractual obligations, and explore negotiation options for a timely resolution Introduction Facing a breach of contract claim can be challenging, but there are several safeguards one should consider to protect their interests. This […]

Why Lawyers Recommend Written Contracts: Key Factors to Consider

Lawyers sometimes encounter resistance from clients when they propose executing written contracts. Clients often assume that lawyers suggest written contracts for their own commercial benefit. However, this assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, oral contracts hold the same legal validity as written ones. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why oral agreements are […]

Significant role of Notaries in relation to Immigration Law

In Zimbabwe, notaries play a significant role in relation to immigration law. A notary public is a qualified legal practitioner who has been appointed by the High Court to authenticate and certify documents used for various legal purposes, including immigration processes. When it comes to immigration law, notaries are responsible for verifying the authenticity and […]