The David K Law Group

Administration of Deceased Estate

The aggregate of assets and liabilities of the deceased is termed the deceased estate. The deceased estate is not a juristic person. Consequently, the only legal person  in  connection  with  the  estate  is  the  executor  in  his  representative capacity. The estate ā€˜vestsā€™ originally in the Master of the High Court, and subsequently in one or […]

rings on bible

A Zimbabwean perspective of the concepts of void and voidable marriages and their legal effect.

Definition of terms Void Civil Marriage– A void civil marriage is a civil marriage which has simply never come into existence. The position is exactly as it would have been had the ā€œmarriageā€ never been concluded Voidable Civil Marriage– A voidable marriage is a marriage in which grounds are present, either before or at the […]