The David K Law Group

Contingency Fee Arrangements in Zimbabwe

An Analysis Contingency fee arrangements, where a lawyer’s fee is contingent upon the success of a case, are a permissible option for legal representation in Zimbabwe. This offers advantages to both clients and lawyers in specific situations, but it’s crucial to understand the legal framework and potential drawbacks. Legality and Regulations: The Legal Practitioners Act […]

property dispute

Navigating Property Disputes: A Guide to Resolving Ownership, Boundary, and Title Issues in Zimbabwe

Introduction Property disputes can be complex and challenging to navigate, particularly when it comes to ownership, boundary, and title issues. In Zimbabwe, where land tenure is a significant aspect of its history and culture, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the legal framework and procedures for resolving such disputes. This blog post […]

non disclosure agreement

The Essential Guide to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)

The Essential Guide to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA): Protecting Your Business’s Secrets and Success In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the various types of NDAs, their key components, and how to effectively negotiate and enforce them. We will also address common misconceptions and pitfalls to watch out for when drafting an NDA. Don’t leave […]

Safeguards to Consider When Facing a Breach of Contract Claim

Important considerations to keep in mind when dealing with a breach of contract claim and potential damages. Find expert legal advice, review contractual obligations, and explore negotiation options for a timely resolution Introduction Facing a breach of contract claim can be challenging, but there are several safeguards one should consider to protect their interests. This […]

Why Lawyers Recommend Written Contracts: Key Factors to Consider

Lawyers sometimes encounter resistance from clients when they propose executing written contracts. Clients often assume that lawyers suggest written contracts for their own commercial benefit. However, this assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, oral contracts hold the same legal validity as written ones. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why oral agreements are […]

Assessment and Mitigation of Risks in Contracts

Assessment and Mitigation of Risks in Contracts: Expert Insights from a Law Firm INTRODUCTION Contracts are an integral part of every business transaction, serving as a foundation for legal agreements between parties. However, they also come with inherent risks that need to be properly assessed and mitigated to ensure a smooth and equitable business relationship. […]